The Rivermark is an affordable housing community in West Sacramento designed by David Baker Architects.
The AIA Central Valley Chapter’s desigNarrative Committee and Housing TaskForce are thrilled to host an evening exploring the book 9 Ways to Make Housing for People, by David Baker Architects. Principals David Baker, FAIA, and Caroline Souza, AIA, will lay out the core framework DBA uses to help communities develop places for people to thrive.
The desigNarrative Speaker Series gives local architects, designers and members of the community who are interested in what drives thoughtful and innovative design opportunity to dialogue with noteworthy architects and firms about their inspirational work. Come, participate, and be inspired!
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Location: WAL (Warehouse Artist Lofts), 1108 R Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
Link to Register: designarrativeDBA23.eventbrite.com
[Note: This event has passed.]